Strawflower ‘Apricot Mix’

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Strawflower ‘Apricot Mix’

Helichrysum bracteatum (Syn.Bracteantha bracteate, Xerochrysum bracteatum)

These Strawflowers almost didn’t make it, the seeds have literally just been harvested and rushed over for the Spring Grow-A-Long seed shop!

Everyone’s favourite, Strawflower ‘Apricot Mix’ is a blend of the peach, salmon and blush soft tones.

Use them fresh all summer long before turning bunches upside down for use indefinitely.

Simply tie stems tightly, turn upside down for at least a month in a cool dry location. Click here for a video.

I’ve got flowers that I dried more than 4 years ago. Like a fine wine, they improve with age, taking on a vintage elegance. Dried flowers are perfect for hair flowers the following Spring.

How to grow:

Seeds need to be fresh for successful germination. Sow onto the surface of the compost in Spring.

A bit of warmth will encourage germination and they require light so do not cover with compost.

Plant out after the last of the frosts 22cm apart.

For more detailed growing instructions join our ‘Grow-A-Long’  and for busy gardeners you can now plan ahead with our Spring Grow-A-Long Handbook.

Variety:  Helichrysum bracteatum
Type: Half Hardy Annual
Position: Full sun
Sow: Spring
Space: 22cm apart
Height: 90cm
Harvest: July
Seeds per packet: 250 (approx. counted by weight)

Cutting /Vase Life:

Pick as soon as the flowers start to open, straight into ready buckets of water for fresh use. We rest our stems for a few hours in water, this is called conditioning. For drying, hang upside down to keep stems straight.  In floristry, its easier to wire flower buds before drying.