Clary Sage Coronation Mix


Clary Sage Coronation Mix

Salvia viridis

All our seed is the latest harvest and super fresh.

This is the hardiest variety of Salvia viridis I have ever found. From an Autumn Jump Start, by June,  Clary Sage Coronation Mix had reached a height of 100cm!

Salvia viridis generally is not as hardy as some of the other seeds were are growing, (H5) and dislikes cold wet conditions. Of all the many varieties I trailed only this one that not only survived but thrived!

Clary Sage can also be sown again in late Winter for later flowering into July (plants will also be a bit shorter 60-80cm).

From a Spring sowing plants will be shorter again (45cm) flowering in July, the longer days push them into flower before they can gain vegetative growth and height to support a larger plant.

Autumn and late Winter started plants look wonderful mixed in a vase with our new Heaven Scent Stocks which also flower incredibly early.

How to grow: 

Sow seed into modules in Autumn for the tallest stems.

Seeds need light for germination, don’t cover with soil. A cold greenhouse in autumn should be naturally warm enough for germination. For late Winter sowing, start seeds indoors or on a heated mat in the greenhouse. 20-24°C is ideal.

Take care not to over water especially during cold periods Excessive, wet conditions can cause plants to rot.

Plant out into their final positions in March/April depending on the weather.

By May the first of the flower bracts will colour up from an Autumn sowing.

Stake Autumn started plants for straight stems. Later started plants will be shorter so staking is less important.

For more detailed growing instructions join our ‘Grow-A-Long’  and for busy gardeners you can now plan ahead with our Autumn Jump Starter Handbook

Variety: Salvia viridis
Type: Hardy Annual
Position: Full sun
Sow: Autumn / late Winter / early Spring
Germination: Up to 30 days
Height: 100cm height achieved here at Swan Cottage from an autumn sowing, 60-80cm from a late Winter sowing and 45cm from a Spring Sowing.
Harvest: June/July onwards
Seeds per packet: 500

Cutting /Vase Life:

Pick when bracts are fully coloured, cutting straight into ready buckets of water for fresh use. We rest our stems for a few hours in water, this is called conditioning. For drying, hang upside down to keep stems straight.  For drying wait until the stems are firmer so the stems don’t wilt and hang upside down to dry.

Vase life, fresh flowers should last in the vase for a week or more, keep the vase away from heat and direct sun.